Monday, 31 July 2017

National Biodiversity Authority Computer Assistant Post Details

National Biodiversity Authority, a Statutory Body under Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change established under Sec.8 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, having its headquarters at Chennai, invites applications for filling up one post of "OFFICE / COMPUTER ASSISTANT" on deputation basis.

Name of the Post  Office / Computer Assistant
No of vacancies  01
Pay ScalePay Band - 2 - Rs. 9300 - 34800 + Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-
Age limit<56 years

For more details

Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute 2017

VPCI is a pioneer Post Graduate Medical Institute funded by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India and maintained by the University of Delhi. The Institute is looking for dynamic and result oriented persons for filling up teaching positions as shown in below table

Name of the postsProfessorAssociate ProfessorAssistant Professor
Pay ScalePB 4: Rs. 37400-
67000 + GP Rs. 8700
PB 3: Rs. 15600-
39100 + GP Rs. 7600
PB 3: Rs. 15600-
39100 + GP Rs. 6600
Biochemistry--01 (UR)--
Pulmonary Medicine
01 (UR)
--01 (UR)

Start Date: 15 Jul 2017

Last Date: 14 Aug 2017

Note: The details regarding eligibility/educational qualification & experience are available in the Institute’s website i.e.

IHBAS Recruitment 2017 | 34 Senior Resident Vacancies

Institute of Human Behavior & Allied Sciences (IHBAS), Delhi has displayed 34 vacant seats for Senior Resident (Psychiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Microbiology, Neuro-chemistry, Neuro-psychopharmacology & Other) posts on Regular/ Tenure Basis. Candidates satisfying the desired eligibility conditions as mentioned in the Official IHBAS notification can submit thier application in the prescribed format on or before last date 7th August 2017 with the help of details given below-

Name of the DepartmentPsychiatryNeurologyNeurosurgeryMicrobiologyNeuro-chemistryNeuro-psychopharmacologyNeuro-RadiologyNeuro-AnaesthesiaEmergency LaboratoryTotal posts
No.of vacancies14040401010103050134

Educational Qualification:

Required Age:

Candidates age limit should be 40 years as on last date of receipt of application.
– Upper age relaxation will be applicable as per govt rules.

Application Fee:

Candidates should have to pay application fees which is Rs. 500/- in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay order in favour of Director, IHBAS, Delhi. No fee is to be paid by SC/ ST/ PH candidates.

How to Apply:

Interested & eligible candidates can send their application in prescribed format along with attested copies of all certificates [SSC (Xth certificate for DOB); PG Degree/Diploma; MBBS (passing certificate(provisional/ degree), MD/ MS/ DNB mark sheets; Internship Completion certificate; Attempt Certificate; Delhi Medical Council registration]/ Category certificate etc., & in an envelope should be superscribed as “Post applied for” to the following address:-
Offg. Joint Director (Admn.) IHBAS, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110 095.

Last Date: 07/08/2017. 

Correspondence Course of Diploma in Railway Engineering for the Academic Year 2017-18

The Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) released a applications for admission to the Correspondence Course of Diploma in Railway Engineering for the academic year 2017-18. The Course contains of two Semesters of 6 months each. Completion of this course will gain the knowledge of different disciplines of Railway Engineering and will also make the candidates aware of the structure and functioning of Indian Railways.
Eligibility: (a) Non-Railway personal: The applicant should be a 3-year Diploma holder in any discipline of Engineering recognized by Central/State or UT Government or a Science/Engineering Graduate or a Graduate with Maths/Science as one of the subjects in Intermediate / Plus 2 of S.S.C.

(b) Railway Personnel including employees of Konkan Railway. Port Trust Railways. CONCOR. RITES. IRCON. CRIS. DMRC. RVNL. DFC. MRVC and other Railway PSUs are included in this
category: The applicant should be having any of the gualifications as prescribed in respect of non-Railway personal as (a) above or having passed High School/SSC or possessing eguivalent gualification with Maths/Science and having a minimum of 3 years experience in Railways.

How to apply: (i) Prospectus containing the application form along with other details can be obtained from the office of IPWE (India) at the address given above or at our associate office in Baroda House, New Delhi, Railway Phone No. 32884, MTNL No. 011-23384385 either in cash by paying Rs. 150/- or by sending Bank Draft of Rs. 200/- (including postal charges) in favour of IPWE (India) payable at New Delhi along with a self addressed envelop size 25cm x15 cm.

(ii) Alternatively eligible non-Railway candidates can apply through e-mail for admission to Semester-I of the course by sending a DD of Rs. 3025 in favour of Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India), New Delhi.

For details visit our website: 

E-mail :-

Last date: 31st August 2017. 

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Recruitment 2017

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, an Institute of national importance, released a online application for the following regular position(s). As per existing recruitment policy of the Institute, the selected candidates will be initially appointed on 3 years contract and may be considered for appointment on permanent basis subject to an assessment. Remaining details are given below.

Name of the postsJr. Mechanic / Jr. Laboratory Assistant / Jr. TechnicianAssistant Security Inspector
Job Nos.166,204, 210,212,213,214,215,216,220,221& 222224
Pay Band&
Grade Pay
PB-1(5200-20200) GP:Rs. 2000PB-1(5200-20200) GP:Rs. 2400
No. of
Position &
13 (UR)
4(1 SC +1 OBC [NCL] +2 UR)

Essential Qualifications:

Jr. Mechanic / Jr. Laboratory Assistant / Jr. Technician:
3 year Diploma in Engineering in appropriate discipline with relevant experience of two years after the diploma OR ITI in appropriate trade with relevant experience of five years after the ITI certificate. OR Bachelor's degree (other than B.Tech./ B.E) in appropriate discipline.

Assistant Security Inspector:
Bachelor's degree with security related experience of three years. Applicants should possess valid driving license for light motor vehicle and motor cycle. Ex-serviceman would be preferred.

For further details regarding educational qualification, experience, general instructions, visit NT Bombay website: 

Last date: 07/08/2017

Sunday, 30 July 2017

National Rural Roads Development Agency Director Post

National Rural Roads Development Agency, a society registered under Society Registration Act XII of 1860 under Ministry of Rural Development providing technical support to PMGSY invites applications for the post of Director (Project) on deputation.

Name of the Post  Director (Project)
No of vacancies  01
Pay Scalelevel 14 (Pre-revised in PB-4; Rs. 37,400 - 67,000 + GP Rs. 10,000)
Last date of submission7th August, 2017

The interested candidates may kindly visit ‘vacancy icon’ in for more details

Sunday, 23 July 2017

ISRO Recruitment 2017 for Nurse B & Jr. Hindi Translator Jobs

Satish dhawan space centre shar published a notification to fill up the following posts.

Name of the postsNurse ‘B’Junior Hindi Translator
Level in pay matrixLevel 7 in the Pay matrixLevel 6 in the Pay matrix
gross emoluments
$ 46,696/-$ 36,816/-
Age limit
(as on 28.07.2017)
18-35 years
18-35 years
Educational qualification

Nurse ‘B’SSLC/ SSC + Diploma of three years duration in Nursing recognized by State/ Central Government (Nursing qualification should be registered with respective State Nursing Councils).

Junior Hindi Translator: Master’s degree from a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level.

For more details: visit our website  

Last Date to Apply Online- 28/07/2017
Last Date for Receipt of Hard Copy of Application : 08/08/2017

ARCI Recruitment - 2017

RECRUITMENT OF SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF ARCI, Hyderabad invites online applications from interested and dedicated Indian citizens having consistently good academic record and relevant experience to fill-up the following posts:  

Name of the PostScientist "F"Technical Assistant “A”Assistant "A"
Mode of RecruitmentOn Deputation BasisDirect Recruitment Direct Recruitment
No. of Posts010105
QualificationMaster’s degree in Physical Sciences or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / Technology.Bachelor’s degree in Physical Sciences or 3 years Diploma in Engineering/ Technology.Degree from a recognized university with good academic record.
Pay Scale $ 37,400-67,000 (PB-4) $ 8,900/-$ 9,300-34,800 (PB-2) $ 4,200/-$ 5,200-20,200 (PB-1) $ 2,800/-
AgeShould be able to complete 3 years deputation tenure by the time of superannuation.30 years28 years
One post is reserved for Hearing Impaired.One post is reserved for Hearing Impaired.

For more detail: visit ARCI Website:

Last Date for Submission of Online Applications is 27.07.2017

Authority for Advance Rulings (Income-Tax) Recruitment 2017

Following posts are likely to be filled up on deputation basis initially for a perod of three years. The deputation will be governed by the terms and conditons contained in the DOPT’s OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-ll) dated 17.06.2010 and as amended from time to time.

Name of the PostPrincipal Private SecretaryPrivate SecretaryTechnical AssistantStenographer
No. of Post01010103
Pay ScalePB-3 + Rs. 6600/- (Pre-revised)PB-2 + Rs. 4600/- (Pre-revised)PB-2 + Rs. 4200/- (Pre-revised)PB-2 + Rs. 4200/- (Pre-revised)

The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application. Last date for receipt of application is within 4 weeks after the publication of this advertisement. For further details please visit our website

Ministry of Commerce and Industry Recruitment 2017

Ministry of commerce and industry Office of the Zonal Development Commissioner, MEPZ-SEZ, Chennai invites applications for filling up the following posts on deputation against the posts created in the Private Special Economic Zones on cost recovery basis.
Name of the postAssistant Development CommissionerSection Officer (Accounts)Stenographer
No. of Posts040404
Pay ScalePB-2 Rs.9300-34800 +GP Rs.4600/- to 7th CPC Matrix Level 7 (Rs.44900-142400)pay PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP Rs.4200/- to 7th CPC Matrix Level 6 (Rs.35400-112400)
PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 +GP Rs.2400/- to 7th CPC Matrix Level 4(Rs.25500-81100)

Last Date:- The last date for receipt of applications complete in all respect, in this office, will be sixty days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News. Advance copy of applications will not be entertained. The details of advertisement are also available on the website

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Paradip Post Trust Recruitment for Chief Manager 2017

Paradip Port Trust Published a notification to fill the Chief Manager (Corporate Legal) post.  This is contractual basis.

Name of the Post  Chief Manager (Corporate Legal) 
No of vacancies  01
Pay Scale98,000/-P.M.Approx.)
Age limit<55 years
Method of RecruitmentContractual basis

--> Last date of receiving application is "31.07.2017".

-->Candidates may submit the applications in the prescribed format, addressed to Secretary, Paradip Port Trust, Administrative Department, Paradip Port Trust, Dist- Jagatsinghpur, Pin-754142, Odisha, along with self-attested photo copies of certificates of age and required educational /professional qualifications & experience, etc. 

-->For further details please visit to Paradip Port Trust website :

-->Download Application here

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Indian Council Of Medical Research Recruitment 2017

Enterovirus Research Centre (Indian Council Of Medical Research] Released a notification for folling post.

Name of the Post Scientist’ C ‘– Medical  
No of vacancies  01
Pay ScalePay Band - 3 : Rs. 15600-39100 + Gr. Pay Rs. 6600/-( 6th CPC)
Age limit
 Not exceeding 40 years.  

For more details please visit to ICMR website : /Employment opportunities.

Last date of receiving application is "22-08-2017"

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

ISRO Hindi Typist Recruitment 2017

Department of Space, Government of india, Indian Space Research organisation Headquarters published a notification to fill the below hindi typist posts.
Name of the Post Hindi Typist [For filling up in ISRO Headquarters, Bengaluru and MCF, Hassan]Hindi Typist [For filling up in Department of Space] Technician-'B' (Electrical [For filling up in ISRO Headquarters, Bengaluru]
No of vacancies030101
(2- UR, 1-SC)(1-UR)(1-UR)
Age limit
26 years as on
26 years as on
35 years as on

How to Apply:

The candidates who fulfill the above eligibility criteria may download the application format. The duly filled in application, affixing a recent passport size colour photograph at the place provided in the application, along with self-attested copies of all certificates/testimonials may be sent by speed post or ordinary post.


Administrative Officer (Recruitment), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore- 560 094 super scripting on the envelope ‘Application for the post of Hindi Typist’/’Application for the post of Technician-B’. The application should reach ISRO Headquarters, Bangalore.

Last date: 28.07.2017.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Vacancy for Filling post of Gestetner-Cum-Photocopy Machine Operator in Office of the Textile Commissioner

Office of the Textile Commissioner published a notification for filling up the Gestetner-cum-Photocopy Machine Operator post on regular basis.The applications should be send within 60 days.Pay matrix level for this job is level 2 ie. Rs.19900-63200/-(Pay Band-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/-)

Name of the post Gestetner-Cum-Photocopy Machine Operator
Job Vacancies01
Job LocationInitial posting at Mumbai on anywhere in India basis.
Pay scalePay Matrix level 2 Rs.19900-63200/-(Pay Band-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/-)
Age limit
25 years
Educational Qualification
1.SSC (10th Std.) (or) equal qualification from Board or University.
2.Proficiency in operation and maintenance of Duplicating Machine.
Unreserved. (The post is not suitable for PWD).

Send the applications and relevant documents of qualifications and experiences, to the Deputy Director (Admn.), Office of the Textile Commissioner, Nishtha Bhawan (New CGO Building), 48, New Marine Lines, Mumbai-400020.

Download application form here ://

NACWC Recruitment 2017 for Joint | Deputy Director And Technical Officer Posts

National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC) released a notification for the post of Joint Director, Deputy Director and Technical Officer.

Name of the Post Joint DirectorDeputy Director Technical Officer 
No of vacancies111
Job LocationNew DelhiNew DelhiNew Delhi
Pay Scale Grade Pay 7600/-Grade Pay 6600/-Grade Pay 4800/-

Educational Qualification:

Technical Officer:i) Master degree in Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry or Degree in Chemical Technology or Chemical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent. 
ii) Must have 2 years experience in a managerial technical position in a technical or research organization or industrial concern engaged in the field of organic chemicals and organic chemical industry.

Deputy Director: i) Master degree in Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry or Degree in Chemical Technology or Chemical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent.
ii) Must have 5 years experience in a managerial technical position in a technical or research organization or industrial concern engaged in the field of organic chemicals and organic chemical industry.

Joint Director: i) Master degree in Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry or Degree in Chemical Technology or Chemical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent.
ii)Must have 10 years experience in a managerial technical position in a technical or research organization or industrial concern engaged in the field of organic chemicals and organic chemical industry.

How to Apply:

Eligible candidates can apply to the post through the prescribed format and send the applications along with other required documents to the Under Secretary and Head of Office, National Authority, Chemical Weapons Convention, 1st Floor, Chanakya Bhawan, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021

Last Date: Extended upto 31st July, 2017

Official Website:

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2017

Central Warehousing Corporation, a Schedule-A Mini Ratna, CategoryI, CPSU under the Administrative control of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution providing scientific storage facilities for agricultural inputs, produce and other notified commodities besides providing logistics infrastructure like CFSs/ICDs, Land Custom Stations, Air Cargo Complexes etc. for import- export cargo, invites applications for the following posts
Company NameCentral Warehousing CorporationCentral Warehousing Corporation
Name of the Post General Manager (General)  Hindi Translator 
No of vacancies0102-UR (out of 02 posts, 01 post is reserved for PWD (VH-LV category) 
Method of recruitmentDeputationDirect Recruitment 
Pay Scale Rs.43200-66000/-(E-7) Rs.11200-30600/-(S-11) 
Minimum emoluments per month at the Minimum of Basic Pay +IDA @ 117.1%Rs. 93,787/-Rs. 24,315/
Maximum Age limit as on 01.04.2017 56 Years 28 years *
Download ApplicationGeneral Manager HindiTranslator
Last Date31st July 201731st July 2017

For more details please visit CWC’s website ( under Vacancy & Results section for detailed information on eligibility criteria including qualification and experience, selection process, general conditions etc. from 03 Jul 2017 onwards. 

Vacancy for filling post of Coordinator Grade IV , Senior Executive (Admin) and Junior Hindi Translator in NCAOR

National centre for antarctic & ocean research director published a notification for filling up the Coordinator Grade IV , Senior Executive (Admin) and Junior Hindi Translator positions on direct recruitment basis at NCAOR.
Name of the postCoordinator GradeIVSenior Executive (Admin)Junior Hindi Translator
Job Vacancies1(UR)1(UR)1(UR)
Last date of submission22-08-201722-08-201722-08-2017
Age limit35 3530
Pay matrixLevel-7Level-6Level-6

Vacancy for Filling post of Deputy Director and Section Officer in UIDAI

Unique identification authority of india (UIDAI) published a notification to filling up deputy director and section officer posts , in the Pay Matrix Level -11 ( Pay Band 3 Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/-) and Level-8 ( Pay Band 2 Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/) at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi.
Name of the postsDeputy Director Section Officer
Job Vacancies12
Job LocationNew DelhiNew Delhi
Pay scaleLevel-11(Pay band 3 Rs.15600-39100+Grade pay of Rs.6600/-)Level-8(Pay band 2 Rs.9300-34800 +Grade pay of Rs.4800/-)
Job category
deputation basis
deputation basis

Note: Application received after the last date or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered. Further details may be obtained from the link

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Defence institute of advanced technology for walk in interview Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Defence institute of advanced technology released a notification for walk in interview for selection of a suitable candidate for one position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in ARDB Sponsored Project entitled “Numerical and experimental study of an Al-Li alloy based MMCs for skin and stringers of an aircraft fuselage structure”.The interview will be held at this institute on 19th Jul. , 2017 at 10:00 Hrs.The position is temporary for a period of 2 years.
For further details / eligibility conditions for selection, please visit the Institute’s Website on link Careers@DIAT.

Walk-in-interview Location: Girinagar, pune - 411025

How to Apply Courses in Institute of Rail Transport

On Heavy demand, The Institute of Rail Transport (IRT) extends the date for receipt of application upto 31st July. 2017 for the Transport Economics & Management, MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORT & Logistics Management and Rail Transport and Management diploma courses by correspondence.
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000/- (Including Study Material & Contact Classes).

Eligibility Graduate or Three Years Diploma from any recognized University/Institute/State Govt.

Examination centers: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Secunderabad, Lucknow, Guwahati and Bhubaneswar.

Prospectus Cost: Rs. 150/- by cash or by Demand Draft in favour of Institute of Rail Transport, payable at New Delhi along with a self addressed stamped envelope (11" x 5") of Rs.15/- (for ordinary post) or Rs. 40/- (for speed post). Write full name and address in capital on the reverse of the draft and also write the name of the course. Prospectus also available by cash only at the counter of IRT office C/o General Manager Office, Rail Sadan, South Block, Chandrashekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-17

For address and other details:

Note 1: The last date for receipt of Application is 31st July, 2017.

Note 2: The Institute will remain closed on Saturdays, Sundays & Gazetted Holidays.

National Water Development Agency receruitment 2017 for Superintending Engineer

National water development agency published a notification to fill up two posts of Superintending Engineer in the PB-3. In the National Water Development Agency, an Autonomous Organisation of the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation on deputation (including short-term contract) basis.
Name of Post
Total Vacancies
Pay Band & Grade Pay
Age limit
Superintending Engineer
Pay Band - 3 Rs. 15600-39100/-
+  Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-
<56 years

Age limit:
Maximum age limit for applicants shall not exceed 56 years as on closing date for receipt of applications date.

Procedure to Apply for NWDA: Those who are willing to apply for NWDA vacancy should download application form from the official website Read instructions carefully, fill the form and send the hard copy to below address.

Address: National Water Development Agency, 18-20 Community Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110017, so as to reach within 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.  

For more detail: Visit   select vacancy/circulars in the menu section.

Saturday, 8 July 2017

NHAI Recruitment of Deputy Manager 2017

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) published the application to fill the deputy manager technical posts. It is direct recruitment based on gate score and available vacancies are 40. Last date of applications is 31.07.2017.

Inland Waterways Authority of India 2017 Recruitment

Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) has issued a notification for the recruitment of Assistant Director and Technical Assistant posts. The period of deputation is for three years, located at noida head office. Eligible candidates can send their application on or before 31-07-2017. Vacancy in the website of  IWAI

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