Monday, 31 July 2017

Correspondence Course of Diploma in Railway Engineering for the Academic Year 2017-18

The Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) released a applications for admission to the Correspondence Course of Diploma in Railway Engineering for the academic year 2017-18. The Course contains of two Semesters of 6 months each. Completion of this course will gain the knowledge of different disciplines of Railway Engineering and will also make the candidates aware of the structure and functioning of Indian Railways.
Eligibility: (a) Non-Railway personal: The applicant should be a 3-year Diploma holder in any discipline of Engineering recognized by Central/State or UT Government or a Science/Engineering Graduate or a Graduate with Maths/Science as one of the subjects in Intermediate / Plus 2 of S.S.C.

(b) Railway Personnel including employees of Konkan Railway. Port Trust Railways. CONCOR. RITES. IRCON. CRIS. DMRC. RVNL. DFC. MRVC and other Railway PSUs are included in this
category: The applicant should be having any of the gualifications as prescribed in respect of non-Railway personal as (a) above or having passed High School/SSC or possessing eguivalent gualification with Maths/Science and having a minimum of 3 years experience in Railways.

How to apply: (i) Prospectus containing the application form along with other details can be obtained from the office of IPWE (India) at the address given above or at our associate office in Baroda House, New Delhi, Railway Phone No. 32884, MTNL No. 011-23384385 either in cash by paying Rs. 150/- or by sending Bank Draft of Rs. 200/- (including postal charges) in favour of IPWE (India) payable at New Delhi along with a self addressed envelop size 25cm x15 cm.

(ii) Alternatively eligible non-Railway candidates can apply through e-mail for admission to Semester-I of the course by sending a DD of Rs. 3025 in favour of Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India), New Delhi.

For details visit our website: 

E-mail :-

Last date: 31st August 2017. 


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