Monday, 31 July 2017

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Recruitment 2017

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, an Institute of national importance, released a online application for the following regular position(s). As per existing recruitment policy of the Institute, the selected candidates will be initially appointed on 3 years contract and may be considered for appointment on permanent basis subject to an assessment. Remaining details are given below.

Name of the postsJr. Mechanic / Jr. Laboratory Assistant / Jr. TechnicianAssistant Security Inspector
Job Nos.166,204, 210,212,213,214,215,216,220,221& 222224
Pay Band&
Grade Pay
PB-1(5200-20200) GP:Rs. 2000PB-1(5200-20200) GP:Rs. 2400
No. of
Position &
13 (UR)
4(1 SC +1 OBC [NCL] +2 UR)

Essential Qualifications:

Jr. Mechanic / Jr. Laboratory Assistant / Jr. Technician:
3 year Diploma in Engineering in appropriate discipline with relevant experience of two years after the diploma OR ITI in appropriate trade with relevant experience of five years after the ITI certificate. OR Bachelor's degree (other than B.Tech./ B.E) in appropriate discipline.

Assistant Security Inspector:
Bachelor's degree with security related experience of three years. Applicants should possess valid driving license for light motor vehicle and motor cycle. Ex-serviceman would be preferred.

For further details regarding educational qualification, experience, general instructions, visit NT Bombay website: 

Last date: 07/08/2017


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